Product Advantages
Simplified O&M and Fast Iteration
Only focus on business logic with no concerns about non-functional development and O&M, allowing rapid trial and validation of your business ideas
Elastic Scaling and High Availability
With Baishan's global edge cloud network, the underlying infrastructure can be quickly scaled to handle peak loads, providing high availability and ensuring smooth business operations.
On-Demand and Cost-Effective Usage
On-demand billing, elastic scaling, and no need for resource redundancy, resulting in reduced cost.
Low latency for warm and cold starts
Our ultra-lightweight function security guaranteed sandbox enables a rapid cold or warm start in 5-10ms.
Faster Edge Response
Through intelligent routing, users' requests are responded from the nearest and best-performing edge node, providing stable, low-latency services and rapid request processing.
Neutral Services for Added Assurance
As an independent third-party edge cloud service provider, we focus on platform technology development and can provide more flexible services by integrating with various cloud BaaS.
Product Feature
Easy-to-Use Developer Tools
We offer developers CLI and Web IDE. CLI provides full-lifecycle function management and supports integration with developers' existing CI/CD workflows. Web IDE also offers a one-stop platform for function management and online development, allowing developers to focus on business code and thus improve development efficiency.
Various Programming Languages Ecosystems
Support JavaScript ECMAScript 6 and TypeScript. Support the Node.js ecosystem and the direct use of Node.js code libraries, providing strong extensibility. WebAssembly and global KV storage will also be supported in the future.
APIs Compliant with W3C Standard
We provide multiple APIs with W3C standard such as Service Worker API, Streams API, and WebCrypto API, and we also support mainstream encryption and decryption algorithms for easy implementation of customized access control at the edge, edge content rewriting and edge content generation, etc.
Application Scenarios
Customize Your Solution
Quick, secure and flexible implementation of IT strategies.
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Free Trial
Protect and accelerate access to your website and application systems
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