Business Pain Points
Scattered Enterprise Assets
The evolution of IT architecture, infrastructure decoupling, and scattered data assets bring about management challenges
Complicated Business Scenarios
The demand to interface with multiple protocols, devices, applications, and ecosystems continues to challenge existing integration models.
Ever-Changing Security Attacks
Security protection has been challenging as APIs gradually become the primary attack media, and the attack means are diverse and varied
Overstretched Protection Capability
The migration of applications and services to the cloud exposes more attack surfaces. In contrast, service nodes are scattered and traditional security moats fail.
Advantages of the Solution
Unified Control for better Multi-Clouds and Multi-Centers Capabilities

Efficient integration and API full lifecycle management of various systems and applications on the cloud and off the cloud, across clouds and across networks, connecting applications and data deployed in any environment, solving the integration management of enterprises through a "platform-based" and "ecosystem-based" approach.

Support Rapid Data Transmission with API as the Core

With API as the core, the simple and clear interface and out-of-the-box components allow users to quickly use the capabilities of the Baishan products and build an integrated process for streaming data processing by dragging and dropping components, quickly completing the data transmission and processing from different origins and heterogeneous systems

Active Defense and In-Depth Analysis

Based on the attack and defense concepts, this solution uses rules, algorithms, machine learning, and other technologies to analyze API behavior. It adopts an active security model to defend against new types of vulnerabilities, an in-depth security model to detect abnormal behavior, and an early risk perception approach to avoid business loss due to abnormal API usage

Full Perception of APIs

From active API registration to passive API discovery, we explore the complete picture of enterprise API assets, reject asset black holes, and unlock the value of enterprise APIs, while creating a stable and secure innovative environment

Architecture Diagram of the Solution
Application Scenes
API Management and Openess
In the face of the demands of enterprises for data sharing, data disclosure, and new business expansion, the solution helps rationally control the scope of use and authorization of digital assets by building a unified open capability management platform based on full lifecycle API management. Additionally, based on the real-time mastering of data usage, we can gain insight into the value of the internal and external resources of the enterprise to deliver operational insights, further optimize processes, improve products and innovate service modes.
IT Delivery Capability Upgrade
The current situation and difficulty enterprises face is the gap between the ever-increasing IT demands and sustainable IT delivery capabilities. The new integration method using API, i.e. API full lifecycle management + drag-and-drop orchestration design, lightweight integration reduces the difficulty of connection between heterogeneous systems to improve the business delivery capabilities of each team through codeless or low-code methods, achieving rapid business requirement response and agile project delivery.
API Risk Control
API control failure results in API intrusion and data leakage. From discovering to solving problems, Baishan provides layered and composable API security protection solutions to strengthen the overall business security control capabilities from the API perspective and accurately identify API abnormal behavior, and effectively avoideg business paralysis or data asset leakage caused by APIs
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