Complaint Policy

Updated on 08 June 2023

Guizhou BaishanCloud Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as 'BaishanCloud' or 'We') provide cloud services with a focus on edge computing. To standardise the handling of reports and complaints and protect the rights of right holders, BaishanCloud has created the Complaint Policy in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, industry practices, and the company's situation.

This policy aims to introduce our requirements and complaint handling procedures in a clear and concise manner. Please carefully read and understand this policy. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us using the provided contact details.

1. Complaining Instructions

1.1 Statement

BaishanCloud provides basic technical network services, including network security products and services.

This policy for complaints is designed to efficiently address illegal information/behaviour and protect the legitimate rights of right holders. BaishanCloud is not responsible for the user's suspected infringement of rights and violations of law. Any reports made in accordance with the reporting rules will be promptly forwarded to the relevant party in accordance with the law, unless otherwise specified by law.

1.2 Applicable circumstances

These rules apply solely to reports of object infringement and illegal behaviour related to BaishanCloud services (see: 2, type of complaint). If you are a user of BaishanCloud and have any issues or disputes related to the use of BaishanCloud services, please contact BaishanCloud customer service for assistance [Contact: 0851-88547201]. Such cases are not subject to these rules.

1.3 Guarantee Obligations

As the complainant, you are responsible for ensuring the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information submitted. Any direct or indirect loss suffered by the party being complained against, BaishanCloud or any other third party due to inaccurate information (whether intentional or negligent), will result in you bearing the relevant responsibilities in accordance with the law.

1.4 Careful Reading

Before initiating a complaint, it is important to read these rules carefully. If you have any questions about the complaint policy, please contact BaishanCloud customer service at 0851-88547201 for assistance.

1.5 Updates

BaishanCloud reserves the right to revise and improve these rules periodically. Please refer to the latest content released by BaishanCloud for the most up-to-date information.

2. Types of Complaints

The platform accepts complaints based on the nature of its services and common violations/infringements. Complaints are mainly divided into specific types, and it is important to strictly follow the requirements for each type when submitting complaint information and relevant supporting materials.

Failure to strictly adhere to the Platform's requirements for providing complaint information and relevant supporting materials may result in the complaint being deemed invalid. The specific types of complaints are outlined below:

2.1 Unlawful and Illegal information

The party under complaint is in violation of the Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China, as well as the Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services and other relevant laws and regulations. They have produced, reproduced, published, and disseminated unlawful and illegal information, including content related to pornography, gambling, politics, terrorism, drugs, and other prohibited topics.

2.2 Complaints of Offences and Violations

The complaint concerns the occurrence of offences and violations on the party's website, including but not limited to cyber-attacks, cyber-fraud and the distribution of Trojan viruses.

2.3 Complaint for infringement

Refers to the reported party for infringing on your intellectual property rights and other civil rights and interests.

If your civil rights, such as your intellectual property rights, have been violated, you have the right to request that the infringer stops the infringement and takes responsibility for their actions according to the law. We recommend notifying the infringer or the infringing website or app first in order to stop the infringement and protect your legitimate rights and interests.

If you need to report relevant matters through BaishanCloud due to your inability to contact, we will transfer the relevant reporting materials and information submitted by you to the reported party after receiving the qualified reporting information and materials submitted to you. If the reported party has any feedback, we will also inform you in time.

3. Notification requirements

3.1 Complaints about Unlawful and Illegal Information

To file a complaint about illegal or unlawful information, please provide an accurate complaint URL, specify the type of complaint, and provide relevant proof screenshots (if available).

Additionally, please provide a valid contact email to facilitate communication and feedback regarding the situation.

3.2 Complaints of Offences and Violations

To file a complaint, please provide an accurate website and specify the type of complaint. You may also briefly explain the matter, if necessary, and provide relevant screenshots as proof. Please note that any subjective evaluations should be clearly marked as such.

Additionally, please provide a valid contact email to facilitate communication regarding the situation.

3.3 Complaint for infringement

If you believe that the user of BaishanCloud is suspected of infringing your intellectual property rights and other legitimate civil rights and interests, as the right holder, you may submit relevant materials for complaint according to the following requirements and inform us:

The notification materials should be in writing and include the following information, but not limited to:

3.3.1 Subject information and relevant materials, including:

The name of the right holder (company name), contact information, address, business license (unit) or identity card (individual), relevant authorization certificate and other materials to prove the subject qualification of the right holder;

3.3.2 Preliminary proof materials that constitute the infringement,including:

(1) Ownership proof materials of the rights of the right holder: including but not limited to the copyright certificate, trademark certificate issued by the relevant authority institution and other valid ownership certificates that can prove that the right holder has the relevant rights;

(2)Proof that the party under complaint has committed an infringing act that violates your legitimate rights and interests and a written description of the facts, etc. The written description of the facts includes, but is not limited to, the name of the party under complaint, the infringing act complained about, the time of the infringement, the request of the party making the complaint, and other complaint-related content that you think should be described, and stamped (applicable to legal persons) or signed (applicable to natural persons).

3.3.3 Guarantee by the obligee

The notice must declare the following content and be stamped (for legal persons) or signed (for natural persons):

The statements and relevant materials provided by the right holder in the notification are true, valid and lawful. The right holder guarantees that they will bear all legal liabilities arising from the notification, including any damages caused to us as a result of the necessary measures we may take in accordance with the notification.

3.3.4 Proxy Formalities (if required)

If an agentis appointed to initiate a complaint and handle related matters, the following information should be provided: the agent's name (or company name), contact information, address, business license (unit) or ID card (individual), and a power of attorney (legal person's seal/natural person's signature).

4. Channels of Acceptance

Relevant materials canbe submitted to us in two ways:

(1)Fill in and upload all the required information and materials on the complaint centre platform of BaishanCloud;

(2)Clearly scan all the required materials and send them via email to our designated complaint mailbox: [].

5. Notification Processing

5.1 In response to the complainant's illegal information and indications of illegal behaviour, BaishanCloud will take necessary measures in accordance with the law after verification.

5.2 Upon receiving an infringement complaint, we will formally review the notification. If the notification does not meet the requirements mentioned above, the complainant must submit relevant evidence or other materials to supplement the notification within the given time limit. The right holder must cooperate with us. If the right holder fails to supplement the notification within the specified time limit, we will consider the infringement notification invalid.

5.3 If the notification meets the above requirements, we will forward it to the user under complaint in accordance with the law. We will notify them of the relevant complaint materials and information submitted by you. If the notified party has any feedback, BaishanCloud will inform you promptly.

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